Fyndrix - 27/09/2024

How to get ​around ​Thorildsby

Thorildsby is connected by the famous ​“Letbane” (light rail).The network is ​designed in a way, that you can get on a ​Letbane on any station, and exit at every ​station. There are three lines of transit, ​numbered L1-L3.

L1 and L2 both go to Grantorvet, L2 and L3 ​both go to Dalen. There is no need for ​tickets, as all transport is free! If you ​want to find out on which line a tram is on, ​look at the tram code!

Travel like ​locals

To travel like locals, ​you need to have some ​tricks up your sleeves:

If you see an orange ​sign, that means the ​tram is moving towards ​you.

Green signs say the ​opposite.

Stations also have ​orange and green signs, ​you can find out the ​direction of the tram by ​looking at them.

If you’re still unsure, ​in which direction the ​tram goes, it’s moving ​away from you when you ​see “T-”, “-T” means the ​trams is headed towards ​you.

Detailed ​Map

L1: Grønbjerg -> Fabrikken ->

Rådhuset -> Svampene ->

Først Vej -> Orgelkirka ->


L2: Dalen -> Lyserød Parken ->

Thorildsby C -> Først Vej ->

Orgelkirka -> Grantorvet

L3: Dalen -> Lyserød Parken ->

Thorildsby C -> Svampene ->

Rådhuset -> Fabrikken ->
